POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : Bounding Question #2 : Bounding Question #2 Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:17:53 EST (-0500)
  Bounding Question #2  
From: Remco de Korte
Date: 12 Aug 1999 05:14:20
Message: <37B29014.E5722D1A@xs4all.nl>
I've never really used manual bounding (not in POV) but as I understand it it
can have advantages. I'm wondering if it can help me here:
I have a series of planes with a hole cut out lined up in front of each other so
the camera looks through the holes. This is quite slow to render. Is there a way
to speed it up with bounding?
I know part of the reason why it it slow is in the light_sources I use. 
I need them to get a flat light. I didn't want the planes to cast shadows on
each other. Obviously this was before I knew of the no_shadow keyword 8-] 
Here is the code:

global_settings{max_trace_level 32}

camera {location<0,0,-20> look_at<0,0,0> angle 30}

sky_sphere {pigment{gradient y 
  color_map{[0 rgb<.7,.1,0>][.2 rgb<1,.9,.3>][1 rgb<.1,.15,.2>]}}}   

light_source{<-20,20,-.9> color rgb .4}
light_source{<20,20,-.9> color rgb .3 shadowless}
light_source{<-20,-20,-.9> color rgb .2 shadowless}
light_source{<20,-20,-.9> color rgb .1 shadowless}
light_source{<-20,20,5> color rgb .2 shadowless}
light_source{<20,20,5> color rgb .15 shadowless}
light_source{<-20,-20,5> color rgb .1 shadowless}
light_source{<20,-20,5> color rgb .05 shadowless}

#declare diam=1.28;
#declare tt=0;
#while (tt<10)
  #declare tt=tt+1;

light_source{0*x color rgb 2.5
  area_light  <8, 0, 0> <0, 8,0>
  10, 10 jitter adaptive 3 translate <0,0,-20>}



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